#Build – Another opportunity to help

on 8-06-2013

#Build – Another opportunity to help

Hey world!!  So, I’m blessed to have found out about another opportunity to help out.  This time it’s packing food bags to give to the homeless.  The picture above shows me helping pack the sandwiches into individual bags.  If you’re interested in participating with this particular mission here’s more info:

Phoenix Rising Meal Program: either 3rd or 4th Thursdays delivery is always the 4th Friday of each month

Phoenix Rising Meal Program: Delivery 4th Fridays of each month, with meal preparation the Thursday before

Every Friday night at 6 PM, assigned teams from local churches and organizations support the Route One Shalom Cooperative food ministry program. The respective teams set out with sandwiches and pre-packed food items, making several stops along the Route One corridor from the beltway to the Fairfax County Parkway, south of Ft. Belvoir, Alexandria, delivering a nutritious bagged meal to those who are homeless and living in tents, vehicles, and in motels. These meals provide nourishment to those who may not otherwise have something to eat that weekend, filling their stomachs and touching their hearts, as well as nourish those of us doing the serving.

Franconia’s Phoenix Rising team is responsible for meal packaging and delivery onfor the 4th Friday of each month. On the Thursday before the 4th Friday at 6:30 PM, Franconia volunteers meet in the FUMC’s Cokesbury Hall and large kitchen to make 150-200 sandwiches and put together the meal items for delivery.  All ages can help in this ministry; the jobs vary (prepare sandwiches, assemble the bag lunches, write personal messages of encouragement and faith to place in the bags, and assist in delivery – with adult partners). Adults and youth volunteers are needed for meal preparation and delivery teams. For those who would like to otherwise support the FUMC Phoenix Rising food ministry, donations are welcome: Bibles and related literature, and food items, such as peanut butter, preserves, jelly, fresh white bread, and single-serving pre-packed items, such as cookies, applesauce, fruit cup, pudding, granola bars, juice boxes, chips, chocolate, boxed meat-salad meal (tuna, chicken, ham), and utensil kit (knife, fork, spoon, napkin); and, financial donations are always welcome, as we shop for meal items needed.

Franconia United Methodist Church
6037 Franconia Road,
Alexandria, Virginia 22310

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